Pastel Deviled Eggs

March 26, 2016

We colored eggs this week and I spent a few days thinking of a way to not waste them.  As delicious as they can be, eating over a dozen in a few days can be pretty difficult (particularly if you have a stubborn toddler who is outlandishly picky with every single thing he eats).  I'm not even kidding, he refused to eat garlic bread last week insisting the seasoning was "tiny pieces of broccoli MOM".

Having several hard-boiled eggs on hand in combination with Easter tomorrow, I decided to make these pastel deviled eggs to bring along as a snack for our family get-together.  I was surprised at how pretty they actually turned out and the recipe is ridiculously easy.  10 minutes tops (if you already have the boiled eggs on hand).  Finding multiple purposes for items is something I always love.

Easter Egg Hunt

March 23, 2016

Today my friends and I planned an Easter egg hunt for our little guys.  It's becoming somewhat of a tradition, since this is our second year creating one.  Let me tell you - having two children has made it incredibly difficult to commit to ANYTHING. Is this just me guys? Literally, Harlow refuses to nap on the mornings I have any type of schedule and it ends up with me being stressed, frantic and all over the place. She looks at me like, "Nah ma, it ain't happening" and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.  But I digress, the egg hunt went smoothly and the boys dug it, so that's always a plus in my book. Man, sometimes this "mom" thing can be tough but its so ridiculously rewarding.  Here's a few pics I snapped from the day so these sweet memories stay fresh.