Happy 3rd Birthday, Brody

July 23, 2015

Brody at 3 knows every word to 'John Deere Green', 'I See You' and 'Wagon Wheel', clearly he's a country boy at heart.  I asked him what he wants to be for Halloween and he's quick to respond, "A cowboy, mum mum!".  He is still such a sensitive soul.  Instead of a tantrum being thrown when he's told No, his eyes well up with tears like you just broke his little heart.  For his birthday this year, we surprised him with Idlewood.  I was so impressed at how brave he was, wanting to ride everything his height was capable of, including the parks only roller coaster.  Jesse and I took turns riding with him so we could each experience his wild laughter.  He enjoyed his first funnel cake (a little too much) while Jesse and I desperately tried to recover from the spinny rides.