Brody at 3 knows every word to 'John Deere Green', 'I See You' and 'Wagon Wheel', clearly he's a country boy at heart. I asked him what he wants to be for Halloween and he's quick to respond, "A cowboy, mum mum!". He is still such a sensitive soul. Instead of a tantrum being thrown when he's told No, his eyes well up with tears like you just broke his little heart. For his birthday this year, we surprised him with Idlewood. I was so impressed at how brave he was, wanting to ride everything his height was capable of, including the parks only roller coaster. Jesse and I took turns riding with him so we could each experience his wild laughter. He enjoyed his first funnel cake (a little too much) while Jesse and I desperately tried to recover from the spinny rides.
Brody has also adjusted to being a big brother incredibly well. He is so sweet with Harlow my heart sometimes feels like it could explode. Every morning he asks, "How was your nap baby Harlow" while gently kissing her on the forehead. He can frustrate easily and be very resilient, but still loves a good cuddle and mommy or daddy to tuck him in at night.
Happy Birthday sweet boy, we love you so much!
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