Pumpkin Bread

September 8, 2016

It's the first pumpkin recipe of the season and I am definitely one of those who get's ridiculously excited for this time of year. As much as I do love summer, the cool coziness of crisp fall air is always a welcome to follow.

I tend to be pretty cliché in my love for all things fall. Pumpkin beer, vanilla scented candles, pumpkin spice, crunchy leaves and Hocus Pocus (because c'mon, who doesn't love themselves some Sanderson sisters) - I'll happily take it all. So naturally, this pumpkin bread recipe is delicious and perfect for the upcoming cooler mornings to compliment a fresh cup of brewed coffee. I'll also slice some ahead of time as an easy grab when hubby leaves for work in the early mornings. A home-made breakfast always tastes better.