I tend to be pretty cliché in my love for all things fall. Pumpkin beer, vanilla scented candles, pumpkin spice, crunchy leaves and Hocus Pocus (because c'mon, who doesn't love themselves some Sanderson sisters) - I'll happily take it all. So naturally, this pumpkin bread recipe is delicious and perfect for the upcoming cooler mornings to compliment a fresh cup of brewed coffee. I'll also slice some ahead of time as an easy grab when hubby leaves for work in the early mornings. A home-made breakfast always tastes better.

This bread bakes soft, moist, dense and still a little bit fluffy with the perfect combination of sweetness from its cream cheese center.
Harlow being the eater of the two, loves pumpkin bread while Brody still remains a tiny bit hesitant. He does enjoy participating in the baking of it. Mixing, stirring and throwing in ingredients is his specialty and I do appreciate having him as my little helper. Maybe one day he'll be somewhat skilled in cooking and his future wife can thank me, right? This age of his is pretty damn delicious and I'm trying to savor that boys sweetness for as long as he's giving it.
I've found the cream cheese center to be sufficient in the sweetness factor but have read that this bread can also be combined with honey butter or cinnamon-sugar butter.
14 days friends and the season is officially here, Happy Fall!
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