
October 31, 2016

Like that little Alex + Ani Calavera charm you see there?  In my mind, you can never be wearing or drinking too much Halloween (pumpkin beer anyone?) and Halloween was so much fun this year. Brody really enjoyed running from house to house and the year I think he officially "got it".  At 4 years old he is approaching the age where he is understanding stuff so much more. Listening eagerly as Jesse and I tell him "you just knock on people’s doors, say trick-or-treat, and they give you candy." 

Brody was absolutely set on being a ghostbuster for several weeks. With Harlow still too young to decide what she wants to be, I was able to match them and it was seriously the cutest thing ever. We have Egon and the Stay-Puft Marshmallow. They won a prize too from the parade they participate in prior to Trick or Treating although I did a total mom fail and forgot to pick it up.

He also adoringly (and willingly, to our surprise) held his baby sisters hand while walking through the parade.

Leading up to the big day we spent the weeks before doing some festivities at home. Decorating cookies with a competition (Brody won of course), baking our first apple pie and pumpkins were picked at the patch and carved.

It was a very magical Halloween.