Our Remy girl has been with us for a month now and it's like we've never not had her. If I'm being honest, Jesse and I were super hesitant in getting a puppy. Brody had been on this kick of really wanting a dog lately and asking us for one almost weekly. We knew, at least, that we didn't want a big dog. Our home isn't very large and with two kids, two cats plus a lizard - we didn't want to feel overwhelmed on space. After a lot of back and forth deep consideration we decided, why not? Yes it can seem chaotic around here, but I figure these crazy times and memories will be looked back on one day and deeply missed.
Rems has been so much fun and training has gone really well, to my surprise. Her and Blu are best buddies and I find them snuggling quite often. We're working with her teething - at a painfully slow pace (she's like a shark) but otherwise we have completely fallen in love with her smooshed face and big bat-like ears.
Weighing in at 5lbs. for her 10 week check-up we are excited to watch her grow as part of our family.
When we initially started this puppy journey I was referred to a breeder in Canton, Ohio. After lots of back and forth communication, we placed a deposit on December 10th but didn't fill the kids in on the new puppy until Christmas morning. Jesse and I wanted that to be our special present to them. Although she wouldn't be ready to come home until January 10th, the kids (especially Brody) had so much fun counting down the days until we could go get her. We ended up pulling Brody out of school early that Friday, by surprise, to take the road trip and finally bring her home. Brody said his entire class and teacher were excited for him once his dismissal was announced knowing since the return of Christmas break that he was getting a puppy.
Since bringing her home she has fit in perfectly with our little fam. The kids have been great in helping to take her out and Brody is excited to have another fan at the field this spring and summer to watch him play.
Welcome home, Remy.
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