Lovely Low Co.

February 17, 2016

I love having photography as a creative outlet, but I also have a love for home décor and DIY's! It all started when my husband and I made these sweet wooden boho arrows for Harlow's shabby-chic styled room. From there, my want (my need) to craft and make things has blown into outrageous proportions. Pinterest is like crack and I'm sure my husband wants to literally kill me, daily. Anyways, Lovely Low Co. was born and I'm pretty darn excited about it. Currently I am not taking any custom orders (unless mentioned), therefore - anything in my shop most likely won't be made again for quite some time. Grab them up like hot cakes people!

Here comes the even sweeter part. ANYTHING in my shop that can be used for photography shoots (garland, props, etc.) will be available to YOU for FREE upon request. I'm keeping my own little private stash for such cases! So follow me over on Instagram: @lovelylow_co to see if there is anything you may like to one day use, or to just keep up with promotions and giveaways.