Happy 1st Birthday, Harlow

June 12, 2016

I cannot believe our sweet baby is one. Where did the time go? She has brought such immeasurable joy to our home and our lives that we wanted to celebrate her fiercely with family and friends. Harlow's boho photoshoot and party suited our mischievous girl perfectly. A huge representation of her tiny personality. Wild, strong-willed, loving and carefree.

The relationship I'm seeing between Harlow and Brody always catches me by surprise. The sweet times when he is incredibly gentle and kind with her being an affectionate bigger brother. Most mornings he is eager to go in her room saying "Hello baby Harlow" while kissing the top of her bouncing head.  Yet, of course, there are other times where frustration grows and she is pulling on his shirt or desperately trying to sneak his food and Jesse or I need to intervene before all hell breaks loose. Of all these moments, good and bad, Brody will consistently say he loves having a baby sister and he truly does adore her. I've never fully grasped the saying that life is a beautiful mess, but it certainly is with these two and watching their bond grow and develop has only made life sweeter.

Harlow currently loves Minnie Mouse and food. She is an eater and has yet to come across something she doesn't like. She shows interest in toys, mainly her big brother's but relentlessly prefers to "play" with anything a little babe should not get there hands on (our cable box, the oven, kitchen cabinets, my camera, etc.) I swear most days are spent chasing her chubby legs around consistently saying "No, Harlow!" while Brody giggles.  Such a change from the laid-back temperament he had as a little one. She is sleeping very well at night (14 hours) with not a single wake-up, although napping has proven difficult. She's a little fighter, that one.  I can already tell her tiny personality is very large and I'm sure Jesse and I will have our hands full.

Happy Birthday to our beautiful, sweet, wild-child Harlow, we love you oh so much.