Our little miss Harlow Renee turned 3 today. She is growing and changing so much it makes me, quite frankly, happy. I know, I know! Everyone always says not to rush their "babyhood", but honestly Harlow was a bit of a tough cookie through her two's -- being very independent, defiant, mischievous and dangerously overconfident. Although these traits shined through, she has additionally been very affectionate and still absolutely is. She loves curling up into our arms, giving us hugs or kisses and constantly saying "I love you so much". Such a fierce little girl with an incredibly sweet side. I've noticed over the last month or so a calmer more disciplined part of her. I'm not sure if she is just maturing or caving into finally accepting rules and limits, but I'm liking it.. a lot. I enjoy her sweet little company and she is absolutely one of my most favorite people (along with Brody and Jess).
For her actual birthday, we kept the celebration pretty intimate and honestly, I liked it that way. The focus really got to be all about Low and she soaked it right up. We will probably celebrate a little bit larger this weekend again as a family, because it's a birthday and who doesn't love to celebrate the whole week long? lol
Here are some of my very favorite details from her special day!
(Photoshoot of Harlow soon to come, of course! lol)
Are you dying over this cake, because I am. Harlow's cake was utterly amazing. I rave about Lila all the time, but seriously she nailed my idea beyond expectation. You can find her over on Instagram or Facebook and you should really follow her, like now! lol I promise she won't disappoint. She will be creating Brody's cake too and I'm honestly so excited. I actually had a tiny bit of anxiety cutting into this cake today because it was literally almost too pretty to eat!
(Side note: it tastes as good as it looks. chocolate with a raspberry icing in-between. damn Lila, you good!!!)
The morning was spent enjoying "magical" peace, love and little donuts.. followed by dance and then an evening with her family opening presents. We ordered pizza, had a few snacks and listened to Pandora (while mommy and daddy might of enjoyed a beer or two lol). It was small, it was perfect and Harlow was happy -- and really, that's all that matters.
Happy 3rd Birthday to our little love.
You can check out Harlow's boho-themed birthday over here.
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