A Cozy Christmas

December 29, 2016

Christmas time is one of my favorites. Although I'm not a huge fan of winter, there is something about settling in with a warm cozy fire and watching Christmas movies while it snows. This season was filled with activities for our little family. Between hosting our first Christmas dinner for friends, trips to see holiday lights and making tons of magical memories for the little ones.

Mommy and Me Session

December 6, 2016


October 31, 2016

Mia, Trax Farm

October 17, 2016

Pumpkin Bread

September 8, 2016

It's the first pumpkin recipe of the season and I am definitely one of those who get's ridiculously excited for this time of year. As much as I do love summer, the cool coziness of crisp fall air is always a welcome to follow.

I tend to be pretty cliché in my love for all things fall. Pumpkin beer, vanilla scented candles, pumpkin spice, crunchy leaves and Hocus Pocus (because c'mon, who doesn't love themselves some Sanderson sisters) - I'll happily take it all. So naturally, this pumpkin bread recipe is delicious and perfect for the upcoming cooler mornings to compliment a fresh cup of brewed coffee. I'll also slice some ahead of time as an easy grab when hubby leaves for work in the early mornings. A home-made breakfast always tastes better.

Into The Woods

August 29, 2016

We finally took our first official camping trip of the summer in late August. We wanted to create some memories with the little ones and detach from the hectic-ness of daily life. No phone's or television - just nature, some music and each other. It was really nice to just slow down.

Home Sweet Home

August 26, 2016

Jesse and I moved into our home four years ago. Being built in 1949 and my husband being the amazing carpenter he is, knew there were things he'd like to update and change. This guy I swear, never ceases to amaze me. He somehow takes my visions or ideas and turns them into a collaborated story of renovation and fixing up. We've painted walls, ripped out carpets and re-finished beautiful original hardwood floors hidden underneath. We've added a stone fireplace, windows, french doors and trim. Changed light fixtures, knocked down walls and basically made it ours in every way possible. It's a home that my husband has remodeled with his own hands. His blood, sweat and tears are in these walls. It's been a labor of love, a piece of him, our story.

This home has never been perfect, there have been days of frustration and moments we thought we were in over our heads. Times of sleeping on the floor and the occasional argument from exhaustion and mistakes.  It's quirky and old, but this home has welcomed new life. We've grown from a family of two, to a family of four celebrating birthdays, first Christmases and everything in-between. I love this old house and I've come to learn that there is beauty hidden in all things.

Watermelon, Baby feet and Sweet Summertime.

August 14, 2016

Happy Birthday, Jordan!

August 1, 2016

Water Maternity

July 27, 2016

The Kitchen

July 1, 2016

Our kitchen was one of the very first things we remodeled (secondary to our bathroom) and I have to admit it was slightly thrown together. Not the craftsmanship, but the design. I was very new to the whole remodeling scene and had absolutely no idea where to begin. To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. Not only do you need to have a layout in mind but it's incredibly important to research the specific cabinetry you love, the reveal you want, hardware, decorative ends or not, countertops and appliance placement. I've personally always loved the fresh feel of lighter cabinetry so having that to initially base things around was extremely helpful in pulling together a look that fit our families style.

Harlow's Boho 1st Birthday

June 18, 2016

Harlow's smash cake was my first attempt at baking a "naked" cake and I'd say I was pretty happy with the results for how ridiculously easy it was! The inspiration and DIY can be found here.

Happy 1st Birthday, Harlow

June 12, 2016

I cannot believe our sweet baby is one. Where did the time go? She has brought such immeasurable joy to our home and our lives that we wanted to celebrate her fiercely with family and friends. Harlow's boho photoshoot and party suited our mischievous girl perfectly. A huge representation of her tiny personality. Wild, strong-willed, loving and carefree.

Blueberry Cream Cheese French Toast

May 8, 2016

Today we wanted to have brunch for my mom to show her how appreciated and loved she is. To celebrate an amazing woman and to give gratitude for the huge role she's been in all of our lives. Having her and my dad right down the street is not only incredibly convenient but has also created a special bond between my children and them. I feel grateful Brody and Harlow are growing up surrounded with so much love and having Nunna and Pap Pap close by.

Skinny Mojito's

May 4, 2016

This is one of my favorite alcoholic beverages other than beer. (I love my beer and look forward to Fall with pumpkin being my favorite - specifically this, so go out and try it. I promise you'll love it too). Mojito's are a major reason why I keep fresh mint growing in our house throughout spring and summer.  Whenever I am in the mood for a refreshing drink, I pinch off a few leaves and make this fairly quick.

The Bucket List 'Grow Something'

April 29, 2016

I've been searching Pinterest as of late to discover new things for us to do as a family and with Brody this summer.  He is getting to that really cool age, the fun one, where he's starting to become our little buddy. There isn't a day that goes by he doesn't have us laughing. Big, belly laughs too. His jokes, his inquisitive nature or the petrified face he makes while Jesse rides him around his bedroom in a storage container.  I'm betting dad probably made the "ride" a bit too fast, but laughter definitely followed. I know I'm biased in saying what every single parent says, but I swear this boy is just so smart. A little stinker every now and then, but very smart none the less.

Lemon Crumb Muffins

April 3, 2016

I think I've mentioned my little guy is a picky eater before, have I? Well... he is.  Unfortunately it takes all of the energy combined between my husband and I to get him to eat, let alone try something new. Sometimes I get sad because of all the delicious treats he's missing out on and tend to travel down that road of wondering if I failed him with foods. I've heard this can be common with his age, but still's defeating no less. We're slowly working on it and I feel like a warrior mom the days I succeed. Those days where both kids eat and eat well, I totally feel like I have my shit together.

Pastel Deviled Eggs

March 26, 2016

We colored eggs this week and I spent a few days thinking of a way to not waste them.  As delicious as they can be, eating over a dozen in a few days can be pretty difficult (particularly if you have a stubborn toddler who is outlandishly picky with every single thing he eats).  I'm not even kidding, he refused to eat garlic bread last week insisting the seasoning was "tiny pieces of broccoli MOM".

Having several hard-boiled eggs on hand in combination with Easter tomorrow, I decided to make these pastel deviled eggs to bring along as a snack for our family get-together.  I was surprised at how pretty they actually turned out and the recipe is ridiculously easy.  10 minutes tops (if you already have the boiled eggs on hand).  Finding multiple purposes for items is something I always love.

Easter Egg Hunt

March 23, 2016

Today my friends and I planned an Easter egg hunt for our little guys.  It's becoming somewhat of a tradition, since this is our second year creating one.  Let me tell you - having two children has made it incredibly difficult to commit to ANYTHING. Is this just me guys? Literally, Harlow refuses to nap on the mornings I have any type of schedule and it ends up with me being stressed, frantic and all over the place. She looks at me like, "Nah ma, it ain't happening" and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.  But I digress, the egg hunt went smoothly and the boys dug it, so that's always a plus in my book. Man, sometimes this "mom" thing can be tough but its so ridiculously rewarding.  Here's a few pics I snapped from the day so these sweet memories stay fresh.

Lime-Washing Terra Cotta

February 29, 2016

One of my favorite spring DIY's is to lime-wash my store bought terra cotta pots.  I'm no fan of the awful orangey color these planters initially are purchased with, so I've done lots of searching for an inexpensive way to beautifully age them.

Jaipur Acacia Wood Bench

February 21, 2016

If any of you have seen my Instagram post a week ago, you've seen the new Acacia Wood farmhouse table I found at 'At Home' for our sunroom.  I am still in shock that I discovered this beautiful piece because they retail on the Internet upwards of a thousand or more.  I took a dozen photos with my phone, texted the hubs (he was at work) and we ran out later that evening to pick it up.  Honestly the purchase price was pretty great, but anything I want to buy that ends up saving my husband from custom-building himself is even sweeter.

Shabby-Chic Garland

February 19, 2016

Today I am popping in to share a sweet and simple craft I made for Harlow's shabby-chic 1st birthday in June.  Can you believe she is going to be one already, because I seriously can't.  With Harlow being my second, time seems to have gone much quicker and it makes me a tiny bit sad.  She finally dropped off her last middle-of-the-night wake up and I secretly miss that alone time her and I shared.  She was always so sleepy and peaceful during that feed.  The entire house would be quiet as I sat there rocking, softly kissing those sweet chubby cheeks while she played with my hair.  Usually she was quite gentle, but other times, geez that girl knows how to pull.  If post-partum doesn't account for much hair loss.. a grabby babe certainly will.  Unfortunately, I had both.

Lovely Low Co.

February 17, 2016

I love having photography as a creative outlet, but I also have a love for home décor and DIY's! It all started when my husband and I made these sweet wooden boho arrows for Harlow's shabby-chic styled room. From there, my want (my need) to craft and make things has blown into outrageous proportions. Pinterest is like crack and I'm sure my husband wants to literally kill me, daily. Anyways, Lovely Low Co. was born and I'm pretty darn excited about it. Currently I am not taking any custom orders (unless mentioned), therefore - anything in my shop most likely won't be made again for quite some time. Grab them up like hot cakes people!

A Shabby Chic Nursery

January 1, 2016

As soon as we found out we were having a little girl I was ridiculously excited to start planning her room.  Harlow's nursery is a mix of native, shabby-chic and vintage elements.  It is a soft calming space filled with lots of whites, neutrals, pale-rose colored accents and wood.  Everything in her room was thoughtfully picked or hand-made by Jesse and I with love.  We wanted our little girl to be surrounded with natural colors and textures that I have always favored and a room that she can grow with.